Facebook Social Media Marketing Free Professional Certificate From Coursera

Launch your career in social media marketing with Facebook. Build job-ready skills and credentials to go from beginner to job-ready in about 5 months. No degree or prior experience is required.
Who among us does not like to show off and loves to be famous and surrounded by people and lovers?
Hope you enjoy taking this very important course, and I all the best to get all these skills that are going to help you in your career.
You Will Learn How to:
- Create and analyze an effective advertising campaign for your target audience.
- Create a creative brief that includes the assets for your paid ad.
- Create, edit, and troubleshoot ads in Facebook Ads Manager.
- Establish and manage a social media presence.
You will be an expert at:
- Content Development and content management.
- Campaign Management and Ad Management.
- Social Media Marketing Strategy.
- Marketing Content Development.
- Performance Advertising.
- Social Media Marketing.
- Brand Management.
- Content Marketing.
- Digital Marketing.
- Marketing.
Courses in the specialization:
There are six courses in this specialization in each course you will learn new skills that help you to manage your social media accounts and get more profit. You will learn more about your audience properties things as their age and the monthly income that help to decide which content you can deliver to them.
Each one of those six courses in this specialization can be considered a specialization on it is own.
Introduction to Social Media Marketing:
This course lays the foundation of social media marketing. You’ll learn what social media marketing entails, including the history and the different social media channels that exist. You’ll learn how to select a social media channel that full your needs, set goals and success metrics, and determine who your target audience is and their important characteristics like their age, gender, monthly income and etc…
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Get the landscape of traditional, digital, and social media marketing.
- Learn how to become certified as a Digital Marketing Associate.
- Figure out the major social media platforms, how they function, and what role they play in marketing.
- Know your target audience and their customer journey.
- Choose the right social media platforms and learn how to create social media policies.

Social Media Management:
This course equips you with critical content creation and management skills. You’ll learn how to create effective social media posts and how to create a strong brand to help you build a social media presence.
Fundamentals of Social Media Advertising:
Instagram and Facebook are considered one of the most sites used by advertisers to advertise and market their products and services around the world. This course takes a deep dive into paid advertising on social media. Learn how to start advertising on platforms like Facebook and Instagram by developing effective ads.
Advertising with Facebook:
This course will establish you as an expert in Facebook Ads Manager. Learn how to structure campaigns in Ads Manager by selecting ad objectives, target audience, budget, and placement that fit your unique goals.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Structure campaigns in Facebook Ads Manager.
- Identify the major components and elements of an ad in Facebook Ads Manager.
- Build an ad that aligns with your marketing objectives and target it to your intended audience.
- Set a budget, placement, and schedule for your ads in Facebook Ads Manager.
- Edit and troubleshoot your ads in Facebook Ads Manager.
- Take the exam for Facebook’s Digital Marketing Associate Certification.
Measure and Optimize Social Media Marketing Campaigns:
This course provides you with the skills to optimize your social media marketing efforts. Learn to evaluate and interpret the results of your advertising campaigns
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Analyze dashboards and evaluate ROI from your social media marketing efforts.
- Understand different techniques used to optimize marketing campaigns, such as attribution and marketing mix models.
- Implement an A / B test to optimize your campaign.
- Present and communicate the results of your campaign to a team.
Facebook Social Media Marketing Capstone:
In this capstone course, you will practice creating a presentation on the marketing campaign you’ve been developing throughout the program with a project where you will gain hands-on experience with communicating results and formulating recommendations based on the results of a social marketing campaign.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Present and communicate the results of a campaign to a team.
- Complete the Digital Marketing Associate Certification Exam.
About this Professional:
Whether you’ve been tinkering with social media platforms for your business already or are completely new to the field of digital marketing, you’ve come to the right place. This six-course program, developed by digital marketing experts at aptly together with Facebook marketers, includes an industry-relevant curriculum designed to prepare you for an entry-level role in social media marketing.
Applied Learning Project:
Our projects offer an opportunity to apply social media marketing skills practically.
You’ll work directly within social media platforms to create engaging and relevant content, discover the ins and outs of each social media platform, practice analyzing metrics, and more.
Offered by
Facebook builds technologies that help people connect with friends and family, find communities, and grow businesses. On successful completion of the Facebook Social Media Marketing Certificate, you’ll instantly have a personal portfolio of work to showcase your talents to prospective digital marketing employers.
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